Andrew Troth

TPR Company Member Since 2020



Andrew S. Troth is an audio­book nar­ra­tor, actor, direc­tor, light­ing design­er, and the­ater pro­duc­er; a mem­ber of Segue Pro­duc­tions; and the for­mer Pres­i­dent and Exec­u­tive Pro­duc­er of The Chameleon The­atre Cir­cle. With Pro Rata, Andrew has appeared in The Good Woman of Szechuan and Knight of the Burn­ing Pes­tle. Andrew has also worked with The­atre in the Round, The Guthrie The­ater, Park Square The­atre, and oth­ers, and served on the board of the Min­neso­ta The­ater Alliance.


As Actor: Orlan­do, The Knight of the Burn­ing Pes­tle; The Good Woman of Setzuan
