
You can make a finan­cial dona­tion to Pro Rata at any time via Pay­pal using the but­ton below. (If you’d pre­fer, you can cer­tain­ly mail us a check instead. Please email us to get our phys­i­cal mail­ing address.)

Tick­et sales only cov­er 40% of our bud­get, and it’s the sup­port of our com­mu­ni­ty of donors, friends, and fans that make our work possible.



Why support Pro Rata?

Pro Rata is a 501(c)(3) char­i­ta­ble orga­ni­za­tion. That means that your dona­tion is 100% tax deductible. Pro Rata pro­duces qual­i­ty the­ater on a shoe-string bud­get, but we can­not do it with­out your finan­cial sup­port. Your con­tri­bu­tion helps make our work possible.

Help out just by using the internet!

Pro Rata is reg­is­tered with a num­ber of online search plat­forms or pur­chase sites that donate a por­tion of adver­tis­ing income to the non-prof­it of your choice. It’s an easy way to sup­port Pro Rata and doesn’t cost you a thing!

Ama­zon Smile – Every time you make a pur­chase on Pro Rata will receive a per­cent­age of the amount spent. Simple!

Swipe­good rounds up all of your deb­it or cred­it card pur­chas­es to the near­est dol­lar and allows you to donate the dif­fer­ence to the non-prof­it of your choice.

Good­search – Select Pro Rata as your non-prof­it and then use Good­search as your search engine. Every time you look for some­thing on the web a pen­ny goes to Pro Rata!

iMyne – Sign up for iMyne and it auto­mat­i­cal­ly finds cash back pro­grams on the web­sites you shop at to get rewards for you and the non-prof­it of your choice.

Employer Donation Matching Programs

Many employ­ers have phil­an­thropic pro­grams that help your dona­tion go even fur­ther! Here are some of the pro­grams oth­er donors use to sup­port Pro Rata. Let us know if you don’t see your employer’s match­ing pro­gram list­ed… we’ll take care of reg­is­ter­ing it for you! Just email Carin at

Thrivent Finan­cial Choice Dollar

Com­mu­ni­ty Shares Minnesota


Other ways to support us

There are lots of oth­er ways to sup­port Pro Rata as well…

Col­lect coupons from Holy Land Hum­mus and bring them to the box office when you see a show. We’ll return them to Holy Land and receive a dona­tion of 25 cents per coupon!

Tell your friends
In addi­tion to mon­e­tary gifts, the num­ber one way to sup­port Pro Rata is to tell your friends and fam­i­ly about us! If you like what we’re doing, spread the word.