The play reading series returns!

Join us as we take a clos­er look at plays under con­sid­er­a­tion for an upcom­ing pro­duc­tion. Each night hear a dif­fer­ent, excit­ing script read aloud, then weigh in on an open-forum dis­cus­sion about its mer­its and foibles; it’s like a book club, but with scripts. Who knows? Your input could make it onstage!


Dates to be announced Time: 7:00 CDT

Loca­tion: your liv­ing room Playread­ings will be held vir­tu­al­ly via Zoom, link com­ing soon.

Audience comments

“This was a very enjoy­able and inter­est­ing event! I’ve nev­er been to a play read­ing before. Fas­ci­nat­ing dis­cus­sion after­ward. I’ll be com­ing to as many more of these as I can.”

“I found the play read­ing ses­sions I attend­ed fas­ci­nat­ing. I don’t have a the­atre back­ground, and I had nev­er ana­lyzed a script before. The com­ments from the actors/readers and the Pro Rata folks were so inter­est­ing! They also enjoyed hear­ing reac­tions [me]. One thing they point­ed out was the per­spec­tive of the playwright…I had nev­er real­ly thought about plays being writ­ten from a male or female per­spec­tive, but when they point­ed it out, it was sud­den­ly obvious.”

For playwrights:

We do not accept unso­licit­ed scripts; how­ev­er we will pre­view a treat­ment. If you would like to sub­mit a one page treat­ment and/or short (no longer than 10 pages) sam­ple of the play, you can email a Word Doc­u­ment or PDF to