Annie Enneking


AT TPR:  The Ever and After

REPRESENTATIVE THEATREGuthrie The­ater: To Kill a Mock­ing­bird, Raisin in the Sun; The­atre Mu: Man of God, Cam­bo­di­an Rock Band; Jun­gle The­ater: Nois­es Off, Hand to God; Dark and Stormy: Extrem­i­ties, Fool for Love, The Maids, Prime of Miss Jean Brodie, Black­bird; Shake­speare­an Youth The­atre: Mac­beth, As You Like It, Julius Cae­sar, Ham­let, King Lear; The­atre Lat­te Da: Aida, Cabaret, Man of La Man­cha; Uni­ver­si­ty of Minnesota/Guthrie BFA: The Hen­ries, Boudi­ca, Romeo and Juli­et, Ham­let, She Kills Mon­sters, Cym­be­line, Per­i­cles, Troilus and Cres­si­da; Wayza­ta High School: The Moors, The Hunch­back of Notre Dame, Romeo and Juli­et, Mac­beth; Full Cir­cle The­ater: Antigo­nick, Fire in the New World; His­to­ry The­ater: Diesel Heart; Frank The­atre: By the Bog of Cats, Eclipsed; Ten Thou­sand Things: Hen­ry IV, Romeo and Juli­et, For­get Me Not

TEACHING:  Stage Com­bat and Move­ment Instruc­tor: Depart­ment of The­atre and Dance Uni­ver­si­ty of Min­neso­ta (BA and BFA programs)

TRAINING / EDUCATION:  Rec­og­nized Full Instruc­tor with Duel­ing Arts Inter­na­tion­al; TIE Inti­ma­cy Train­ing (Best Prac­tices and Inti­ma­cy Chore­og­ra­phy); var­i­ous SAFD work­shops; Uni­ver­si­ty of Min­neso­ta Dance Department 

HONORS:  2010 Play­wright’s Cen­ter McK­night The­atre Artist Fel­low; Min­neso­ta State Artist Ini­tia­tive in 2010 and 2014; Jerome Foun­da­tion Grant 2014

MEMBER OF: Front woman and founder of rock band Annie and the Bang Bang

UPCOMING PROJECTS:  Annie and the Bang Bang’s dou­ble album release show at Ice­house on Octo­ber 22 
