Carin Bratlie Wethern

TPR Artistic Director // Founder & Member Since 2001



Carin is the found­ing Artis­tic Direc­tor of The­atre Pro Rata and has worked on every pro­duc­tion in the theater’s his­to­ry in some capac­i­ty. In addi­tion to direct­ing, she has also designed fight chore­og­ra­phy, cos­tumes and/or set for a num­ber of Pro Rata pro­duc­tions. As a free­lance artist she has direct­ed for Park Square, The­atre L’ Homme Dieu, The His­to­ry The­ater, The­atre Unbound, Croix Val­ley Sum­mer The­ater, Tedious Brief Pro­duc­tions, Chameleon The­ater Cir­cle and oth­ers. She has assis­tant direct­ed for the Guthrie The­ater, Out­ward Spi­ral, and The His­to­ry The­ater. She was a par­tic­i­pant direc­tor and full schol­ar­ship recip­i­ent at the Wes­ley Balk Opera/Musical The­ater Insti­tute in 2007, received a B.A. from Con­cor­dia Col­lege, Moor­head, MN in 1998. Her all-female pro­duc­tion of Julius Cae­sar with The­atre Unbound won an Ivey Award in 2012.


As Pro­duc­er: All Com­pa­ny Productions

As Direc­tor: Bernhardt/Hamlet, Orlan­do, Top Girls, Silent Sky; My Sis­ter in this House; Isaac’s Eye; Up: The Man in the Fly­ing Chair; 44 Plays for 44 Pres­i­dents — The Sec­ond Term; The Beau­ty Queen of Leenane; A Lie of the Mind; The Illu­sion; 1984; Twelfth Night; Good Woman of Set­zuan; Emi­lie: La Mar­quise du Chatelet Defends Her Life Tonight; Lovers and Exe­cu­tion­ers; 44 Plays for 44 Pres­i­dents; Cat’s Paw; Wait­ing for Godot; Dido, Queen of Carthage; Tam­ing of the Shrew; Trav­el­ing Light; Span­ish Tragedy; Marisol; The Life of Galileo; Killer Joe; Meta­mor­phoses; Dusa, Fish, Stas, and Vi; 365 Days/365 Plays; Feel­go­od Hits of the 70s; Quills; Machi­nal; Slag Heap; Ham­let, Rosen­crantz and Guilden­stern are Dead; Emma; Much Ado About Noth­ing; Trainspot­ting; White Noise and All Choked Up

