Carin Bratlie Wethern


AT TPR:  (as Direc­tor) Orlan­do, Top Girls, Silent Sky, My Sis­ter in This House, Issac’s Eye, Up: The Man in the Fly­ing Chair, The Beau­ty Queen of Leenane, A Lie of the Mind, The Illu­sion, 1984, 12th Night, Good Woman of Set­zuan, Emi­lie, Lovers & Exe­cu­tion­ers, 44 Plays for 44 Pres­i­dents, 5 5ths of the Fringe-2012, Cat’s Paw, Dido, Queen of Carthage, The Tam­ing of the Shrew, The Span­ish Tragedy, Marisol, The Life of Galileo, Killer Joe, Meta­mor­phoses, Dusa, Fish, Stas & Vi, Feel­go­od Hits of the 70s, Machi­nal, Slag Heap, Ham­let, Rosen­crantz & Guilden­stern Are Dead, Emma, Much Ado About Noth­ing, Trainspot­ting, All Choked Up, White Noise. (as Set Design­er) The Span­ish Tragedy, The Life of Galileo, Killer Joe, Much Ado About Noth­ing, Trainspot­ting. (as Cos­tume Design­er) Trav­el­ing Light, Dusa, Fish, Stas & Vi, Quills, Machi­nal, Trainspot­ting. (as Fight Chore­o­g­ra­ph­er) By the Bog of Cats. (Artis­tic Director).

REPRESENTATIVE THEATRE:  (as Asst. Direc­tor) Guthrie The­ater; His­to­ry The­atre; Out­ward Spi­ral.  (as Direc­tor) Park Square The­ater, His­to­ry The­atre; The­atre Unbound; The­atre L’Homme Dieu; Con­cor­dia, St. Paul; Bridge Pro­duc­tions; Tedious Brief Prod.; St. Croix Val­ley Sum­mer The­atre; Chameleon The­ater Cir­cle; Grand Marais Play­house; The­ater of the Invis­i­ble Guests.  And others.

TRAINING / EDUCATION:  Wes­ley Balk Opera/Musical The­ater Insti­tute: Par­tic­i­pant Direc­tor. Con­cor­dia Col­lege, Moor­head, MN: B.A.

HONORS:  2012 Ivey Award: Julius Cae­sar

MEMBER OF: The­atre Pro Rata (Artis­tic Direc­tor), Mike’s Brass

The­atre Pro Rata Artis­tic Director
