Derek “Duck” Washington



Duck Wash­ing­ton has been a the­atre cre­ator in the Twin Cities for over twen­ty five years. He is an actor, direc­tor, audio design­er, impro­vis­er, edu­ca­tor, pro­duc­er and play­wright. Duck is Exec­u­tive Direc­tor of the Twin Cities Hor­ror Fes­ti­val, is a mem­ber of Black­out Improv, The The­ater of Pub­lic Pol­i­cy, Vil­i­fi­ca­tion Ten­nis, and Fear­less Com­e­dy. He has been an instruc­tor for HUGE The­ater and The Uni­ver­si­ty of Min­neso­ta. Duck pro­duces shows under his own com­pa­ny, Rogues Gallery Arts. Duck is also co pro­duc­er of The Ency­clo­pe­dia Show: Min­neapo­lis. Duck has pre­vi­ous­ly per­formed with The­atre Pro Rata play­ing Alphonse Mucha in 2023’s Bernhardt/Hamlet. Some oth­er rel­e­vant work includes My Only Hope for a Hero (play­wright, per­former-Rogues Gallery Arts), True West (direc­tor-The­atre in the Round) All Your White Dar­lings (play­wright-Dan­ger­ous Pro­duc­tions), Much Ado About Noth­ing (direc­tor-Fear­less Com­e­dy), Claudette and Rosa (direc­tor-Youth Per­for­mance Com­pa­ny), Fin­ger Lickin’ Good (per­former- Spe­cial When Lit),  Reboot (play­wright- Walk­ing Shad­ow The­ater Com­pa­ny) Cau­casian-Aggres­sive Pan­das and Oth­er Mulat­to Tales (play­wright, per­former-Fear­less Comedy/Chameleon The­atre Cir­cle), Mur­der on the Mis­sis­sip­pi (direc­tor-Fear­less Com­e­dy in con­junc­tion with the Nation­al Park Ser­vice), and A Very Die Hard Christ­mas (per­former).

Awards: Best Actor in a Play 2016 Broad­way World: Min­neapo­lis (Cau­casian-Aggres­sive Pan­das and Oth­er Mulat­to Tales)


As Actor: Orlan­do
