Emmet Kowler



AT TPR:  Rock­et Man, My Sis­ter in This House, The Ever and After, Top Girls, Orlan­do, By the Bog of Cats

REPRESENTATIVE THEATREGrem­lin The­ater: Becky Shaw; Yel­low Tree The­ater: The Curi­ous Inci­dent…; Lakeshore Play­ers: Around the World in 80 Days, Bal­loona­cy, Charlotte’s Web, One Man Two Guvnors; Under­dog The­atre: Luna Gale, How It’s Gon’ Be; Min­neso­ta Fringe Fes­ti­val: 2016–19

EDUCATION: Uni­ver­si­ty of Min­neso­ta, Morris
