Heather Meyer



AT TPR: The Con­vent of Plea­sure (play­wright), 45 Plays for 45 Pres­i­dents, 44 Plays for 44 Presidents

REPRESENTATIVE THEATRE:  Brave New Work­shop Com­e­dy The­ater: Love and Oth­er Social Dis­eases, Mad Vax: Beyond Measle­dome, Junk From Our Trunk, The Polar­iz­ing Express; Spe­cial When Lit: Fin­ger Lickin’ Good; Mer­maid Pro­duc­tions: Xena and Gabrielle Smash the Patri­archy; Weggel Pro­duc­tions: Cat Con­fi­den­tial, Cou­ple Fight: Wed­dings; The Impor­tance of Being Fotis: Kind of Fun­ny but Also a Lit­tle Sad, The Phillip Exper­i­ment; Swan­dive The­atre: Crum­ble (Lay me Down Justin Tim­ber­lake); Heather Mey­er Pro­duc­tions: Wom­en’s His­to­ry Month: The His­tor­i­cal Com­e­dy­bra­tion (with fab­u­lous prizes), Your Respon­si­bil­i­ty for Sex Fail­ure, Merblades: Mem­oirs of a James Cameron, WAITRIX: Dom­i­na­trix Wait­ress, Big & Dumb; The The­ater of Pub­lic Pol­i­cy: Main­stage and cor­po­rate shows. HUGE Improv The­atre: Atten­bor­ough: The Impro­vised Nature Doc­u­men­tary, Show X, MUDCOVEN; Strike The­ater: The Great Strike The­atre Impro­vised Bake-Off; 3rd Act The­atre Com­pa­ny, Okla­homa City: EAT SLAY LEAVE (play­wright)

FILM:  Uma & Devan: Namaste, 2020 (writer); Ama­zon Stu­dios, Noo­dle Pie Island, 2021–2022 (writer/actor)

TEACHING:  Uni­ver­si­ty of Min­neso­ta, Twin Cities; DES 1001 Improv for Designers

TRAINING / EDUCATION:  MFA Play­writ­ing Spald­ing Uni­ver­si­ty, MA Sus­tain­able Design Min­neapo­lis Col­lege of Art and Design. BA: Drama/Speech, MA Jour­nal­ism, Clarke University.

MEMBER OF:  Drama­tists’ Guild, Play­wright Cabal
