Jacob M. Davis



AT TPRBy the Bog of Cats, Orlan­do, Silent Sky, My Sis­ter in This House, Isaac’s Eye, Rock­et Man, The Mino­taur, Up: The Man in the Fly­ing Chair, Good­bye Cru­el World, The Beau­ty Queen of Leenane, A Lie of the Mind, 1984, Good Woman of Set­zuan, Emi­lie: La Mar­quise du Chatelet Defends Her Life Tonight, Neigh­bor­hood 3: Req­ui­si­tion of Doom, Lovers & Exe­cu­tion­ers, T Bone N Weasel

REPRESENTATIVE THEATRE:  Nim­bus: Elmer McCur­dy, The Kale­vala, Lud­low, Storms of Novem­ber; Park Square: Nina Simone: Four Women, Jef­fer­son Town­ship Sparkling Jr. Tal­ent Pageant, Pirates of Pen­zance, Flower Drum Song; Taiko Arts Mid­west: HER­beat; Com­bustible Com­pa­ny: Mon­ster Heart, The Gun Show; Grem­lin The­atre, Old Log The­ater, The­ater Lat­te Da, Mixed Blood Theater

TEACHING:  Ham­line Uni­ver­si­ty, Macalester Col­lege, CalArts, USC, Uni­ver­si­ty of Min­neso­ta Duluth, Art Insti­tutes of Minneapolis 

TRAINING / EDUCATION:  MFA — CalArts; BFA — Uni­ver­si­ty of Min­neso­ta Duluth

MEMBER OF:  Unit­ed Scenic Artists, The­atri­cal Sound Design­ers and Com­posers Association

The­ater Pro Rata Com­pa­ny Member
