Kelsey Cramer



AT TPR: The Con­vent of Plea­sure (at MN Fringe), The Illu­sion (at Park Square The­atre), Twelfth Night, The Good Woman of Set­zuan, 44 Plays for 44 Presidents

REPRESENTATIVE THEATRE: Mixed Blood The­ater: Ani­mate; Pangea World The­ater: Open Water (read­ing); MN Fringe Fes­ti­val: Mad as Nell, A Jus­tice League of Their Own, Lit­tler Women; Brave New Work­shop ETC: The (Almost) Com­plete & (Most­ly) Accu­rate His­to­ry of Alco­hol; Troupe Amer­i­ca: Love, Loss, and What I Wore (nation­al tour); Bryant-Lake Bowl: The Rinky Dink Show, Wom­en’s His­to­ry Month: the His­tor­i­cal Com­e­dy­bra­tion (with fab­u­lous prizes); Twin Cities Hor­ror Fes­ti­val: Dream Coun­ty; Actors The­atre of MN: The Awe­some 80s Prom

TRAINING/EDUCATION: St. Olaf Col­lege; Per­pich Cen­ter for Arts Education
