Madeline Achen



AT TPR46 Plays for America’s First Ladies, Con­vent of Plea­sure, Isaac’s Eye, Rock­et Man

REPRESENTATIVE THEATRE:  The­atre in the Round: Eury­dice, The Book Club Play, The Mys­te­ri­ous Affair at Styles; Lyric Arts: The Mouse­trap, Flo­ra & Ulysses, Proof, Prancer; 20% The­atre Com­pa­ny: Bru­je­ria for Begin­ners, Waafrica123; Six Ele­ments The­atre: The Hound of Chu­lainn, Human Com­bat Chess; Hero Now The­atre: The Ores­tia; Old Log The­atre: The Jun­gle Book, The Reluc­tant Drag­on; Chameleon The­atre Cir­cle: Inde­pen­dence; Min­neapo­lis Musi­cal The­atre: The Tox­ic Avenger

TRAINING/EDUCTION: B.A.,Theatre Per­for­mance (Uni­ver­si­ty of North­ern Iowa, 2015) Minor in Music; Advanced Actor Com­bat­ant (SAFD); Con­sent For­ward Artist Train­ing (Inti­ma­cy Direc­tors & Coordinators)

MEMBER OF: Soci­ety of Amer­i­can Fight Directors
