Meri Golden



AT TPR:  A Con­vent of Pleasure

REPRESENTATIVE THEATRE:  The­atre Coup d’Etat: The Tem­pest, Pyrates!, The Cru­cible, Ham­let, Romeo & Juli­et, Angels in Amer­i­ca, Mac­beth; The­atre Unbound: Mea­sure for Mea­sure; Nim­bus The­atre: Lud­low, Bohemi­an Flats, Woyzeck; The­atre in the Round: A Mur­der is Announced, Dog Log­ic, Death­trap, Romeo & Juli­et, The Mar­riage of Bette and Boo, Richard III, Inde­pen­dence, Phae­dra, Filu­me­na; Can­did The­atre: Col­lect­ed Sto­ries, Peter and Alice; Open Win­dow: Edith Stein, A Man for All Sea­sons, The Pot­ting Shed; Girl Fri­day: The Skin of Our Teeth, Camino Real; Mixed Blood The­atre: Jew on Ethiopia Street, To Be Young, Gift­ed and Black, Joanne!, Moth­er April’s; Park Square The­atre: Fuente Ove­ju­na; MN Jew­ish The­atre: Wom­en’s Minyan; The­atre l’Homme Dieu: I’m Not Rap­poport, I Remem­ber Mama; Lakeshore Play­ers: A Lion in Win­ter; At the Foot of the Moun­tain: Raise a Crow; Grem­lin: The Cru­cible; Illu­sion The­atre: Fes­ti­val of Lights, Life Hap­pens Here

TEACHING:  Retired fac­ul­ty in The­atre and Speech Com­mu­ni­ca­tion at Inver Hills Com­mu­ni­ty Col­lege; Com­mu­ni­ty Fac­ul­ty at Metro State University

TRAINING/EDUCATION:  B.A. The­atre Arts, Smith Col­lege; M.A. Speech Comm. and M.A. The­atre Arts, U of MN

HONORS/AWARDS:  Nom­i­nat­ed 2018 Best Actress for Peter and Alice by Broad­way World; named 2018 Best Actress by Laven­der Mag­a­zine for Peter and Alice and for The Tem­pest; Named 2012 Best sup­port­ing Actress and Clas­si­cal Per­for­mance by Laven­der Mag­a­zine for Romeo & Juliet

UPCOMING PROJECTS:  The­atre in the Round: Hyp­nic Jerk Theatre
