Michael Quadrozzi



Michael has been act­ing on Twin Cities stages since 2014.  He appeared as the Actor/Dying Man in The­atre Pro Rata’s “Isaac’s Eye,” and in sev­er­al of the Play Read­ing Series. Michael has per­formed local­ly with Still­wa­ter Zephyr The­atre, Won­der­lust Pro­duc­tions, Paul Bun­yan Play­house, Amer­i­can Civic Forum, Fortune’s Fool The­atre, Way­ward The­atre, and oth­ers, and toured ele­men­tary schools across the coun­try in edu­ca­tion­al pro­duc­tions with the Nation­al The­atre for Chil­dren. He cher­ish­es the inspi­ra­tion and emo­tion­al impact of live the­atre, both clas­si­cal and con­tem­po­rary, and pas­sion­ate­ly sup­ports the Twin Cities arts community.


As Actor: Orlan­do, Isaac’s Eye
