Nicole Goeden



AT TPR:  My Sis­ter in This House

REPRESENTATIVE THEATRE:  Swan­dive The­atre: Strand­ed on Earth (one-woman show), The Canopic Jar of My Sins; Nim­bus The­atre: The Riv­er Becomes Sea; The­atre Unbound: Mea­sure for Mea­sure, Mere Tri­fles; Clas­si­cal Actors Ensem­ble: The Mer­chant of Venice, Volpone; Open Win­dow The­atre: Every­man; Stone Soup Shake­speare: As You Like It, The Tem­pest, A Mid­sum­mer Night’s Dream, The Tam­ing of the Shrew, The Com­e­dy of Errors; Shakespeare’s Globe Edu­ca­tion: Love’s Labour’s Lost; Play­wrights’ Stu­dio Scot­land: Scape

FILM/TELEVISION:  Awak­en­ing, 2021; Mas­ter Ser­vant, 2019; Hel­lo, 2017

TRAINING/EDUCATION:  Clas­si­cal Text Inten­sive (Shakespeare’s Globe, Lon­don); B.A. The­atre (Col­lege of Saint Benedict/Saint John’s Uni­ver­si­ty); M.A. Clas­si­cal and Con­tem­po­rary Text — Act­ing (Roy­al Con­ser­va­toire of Scotland)

MEMBER OF:  Com­pa­ny Mem­ber of Stone Soup Shake­speare (IL)
