Nissa Nordland Morgan



AT TPR: My Sis­ter in this House, The Con­vent of Plea­sure, Top Girls, Orlan­do, 46 Plays for America’s First Ladies, By the Bog of Cats

REPRESENTATIVE THEATRE:  Brave New Work­shop: The Work­ing Dead, It’s Not the Heat, It’s the Stu­pid­i­ty; The Wind­ing Sheet Out­fit: …And What Alice Found There; Spe­cial When Lit: Stab­by Stab Stab, Fin­ger Lickin’ Good, Incar­nate, The Fae (Playwright/Actor); Mer­maid Pro­duc­tions: Xena and Gabrielle Smash the Patri­archy (Playwright/Actor); The­atre Unbound: Iphi­ge­nia & Oth­er Daugh­ters, The Tam­ing; Aethem The­atre Co: Miss Wood­house Presents;  Way­ward The­atre Co: The Ghost Train; Umbrel­la Col­lec­tive: Ex-Gays: Not a St8t Remount; nim­bus: Tes­la, Kale­vala; Fortune’s Fool: Skrik­er, Dog’s Act; Clas­si­cal Actors Ensem­ble: Com­e­dy of Errors, Love’s Labors Lost, Chaste Maid in Cheap­side, Romeo and Juli­et  

SCREEN:  Noo­dle Pie Island, 2021- 2022 (Tina­corn); The­ater Peo­ple: Their Town, 2019 (Fiona)

TRAINING/EDUCATION:  BA in The­atre Arts from South­west Min­neso­ta State University 

HONORS/AWARDS:  Atlanta Audio Fringe Award for Best Writ­ing: Pos­si­ble Burg­er; Min­neso­ta Fringe Artist Pick: Fin­ger Lickin’ Good (Co-Writer/Ac­tor); Win­ner of the “TC Arts Read­er Crit­ics’ Choice Award” for Xena and Gabrielle Smash the Patri­archy (Playwright/Actor); Min­neso­ta Fringe Venue Award: Xena & Gabrielle Smash the Patri­archy (Playwright/Actor); Z‑Fest Film Best Actress nom­i­na­tion: Maren and the Machine

MEMBER OF: The­atre Pro Rata, Play­wright Cabal, Founder of Spe­cial When Lit; Artis­tic Direc­tor of Twin Cities Hor­ror Festival

UPCOMING PROJECTS:  Kin at Twin Cities Hor­ror Fes­ti­val (Spe­cial When Lit) Oct 19–29. Till Death Do Us Die with The Mys­tery Cafe Jan/Feb 2024.

The­atre Pro Rata Com­pa­ny Member
