Raúl Arámbula



AT TPR:  Debut

REPRESENTATIVE THEATRE:  Lyric Arts: It’s a Won­der­ful Life, The Mouse­trap; DalekoArts: Native Gar­dens; Way­ward The­atre: Christ­mas Car­ol – A Ghost Sto­ry; The­atre Coup d’Etat: Et tu, Brute?; The Frey The­atre: Romeo and Juli­et; The Zephyr The­atre: Much Ado About Noth­ing, As You Like It; Aethem The­atre: Miss Wood­house Presents; The North­field Arts Guild The­atre: The Lion in Win­ter; Tec of Mon­ter­rey: Biloxi Blues, An Ene­my of the Peo­ple; SOAR Region­al Arts: The Diary of Anne Frank.

UPCOMING PROJECTS:  Full Cir­cle The­atre: Antigo­nick; Pills­bury House & Exposed Brick The­atres: Pas­sage.
