Sadie Ward


AT TPR:  Good Woman of Set­zuan, Neigh­bor­hood 3: Req­ui­si­tion of Doom, The Illu­sion

REPRESENTATIVE THEATRELyric Arts: Sponge­Bob The Musi­cal, Smokey Joe’s Café; The­atre in the Round: Sher­wood, Com­e­dy of Errors, The Man Who Shot Lib­er­ty Valance, These Shin­ing Lives, Emma, Romeo and Juli­et; Pangea World The­atre: Sabra Falling; Chameleon The­atre Cir­cle: Cau­casian Aggres­sive Pan­das, Arca­dia; Segue Pro­duc­tions: Church and State, Denial; Park Square The­atre: Some­times There’s Wine; Naples Play­ers: Savan­nah Sip­ping Soci­ety, Christ­mas Car­ol the Musi­cal; West Texas A&M: Bull in a Chi­na Shop; Lakeshore Play­ers: Lit­tle Mer­maid, Around the World in 80 Days, Sher­lock Holmes, Nois­es Off

TRAINING / EDUCATION:  BA The­atre Stud­ies and BFA Arts Admin­is­tra­tion from Viter­bo Uni­ver­si­ty and Archi­tec­tur­al Tech­nol­o­gy Degree from Min­neapo­lis Com­mu­ni­ty and Technical 

UPCOMING PROJECTS:  Viter­bo Uni­ver­si­ty: God­spell
