Sarah Broude



AT TPR: Silent Sky, Ele­phants Graveyard

REPRESENTATIVE THEATRE: Park Square The­atre: The Diary of Anne Frank, The House on Man­go Street; Side­kick The­ater: Cin­derel­la, Lit­tle Red Rid­ing Hood; Fear­less Com­e­dy Pro­duc­tions: The Bun­ga­low Loft; Swan­dive The­atre: Kid Sim­ple; Pangea The­atre: The House of Bernar­da Alba, Zafi­ra, the Olive Oil War­rior; Hard Cov­er The­atre: Mrs. Mor­timer’s Xeno­pho­bic Trav­el Guide

TEACHING: Stages The­atre; Sun­day Work­shop with Sarah; Indi­vid­ual coach to over 30 students

TRAINING/EDUCATION: BFA Stephens Col­lege; HB Stu­dios NYC; The Actors Work­out @ The Guthrie Theatre

UPCOMING PROJECTS: Park Square The­atre: The Diary of Anne Frank
