Announc­ing audi­tions for The­atre Pro Rata’s pro­duc­tion The Lan­guage Archive, by Julia Cho, direct­ed by Nicole Marie Wilder. 

About Lan­guage Archive:

George is a man con­sumed with pre­serv­ing and doc­u­ment­ing the dying lan­guages of far-flung cul­tures. Clos­er to home, though, lan­guage is fail­ing him. He doesn’t know what to say to his wife, Mary, to keep her from leav­ing him, and he doesn’t rec­og­nize the deep feel­ings that his lab assis­tant, Emma, has for him.

Per­for­mance Dates:

April 19-May 4, 2024

Per­for­mance schedule:

Week 1: Thurs pre­view, Fri 7:30, Sat 7:30, Mon 7:30 PWYC

Week 2: Fri 7:30, Sat 7:30, Sun 2pm mati­nee, Mon 7:30 PWYC

Week 3: Fri 7:30, Sat 2pm mati­nee, AND 7:30 Clos­ing (note the two-show day)

Per­for­mance Venue:

The Crane Theater

2303 Kennedy St NE UNIT 120, Min­neapo­lis, MN 55413

Rehearsal Dates:

March 11 — April 18, 2024

Nights (6:30–9:30) and week­ends (1:00–5:00), 5 days a week.

5 actors, non-AEA. Script­ed as 2M, 3W. Actors will be asked to por­tray the gen­der list­ing in the script. Cast­ing is gen­der-flex­i­ble. Queer, trans, and non-bina­ry actors are encour­aged to audi­tion. The­atre Pro Rata is com­mit­ted to a cast of at least 31% BIPOC actors, to reflect the demo­graph­ics of the Twin Cities Metro community.

$650 stipend paid

Proof of Covid vac­ci­na­tion required


  • George: A lin­guist and schol­ar. A col­lec­tor of lan­guages. A man in his 40s. 
  • Mary: George’s wife, a keen observ­er. A col­lec­tor of feel­ings. A woman in her 40s.
  • Emma: A lab assis­tant. A stu­dent of life and lan­guage. Hope­ful. A woman in her 20s-30s. 
  • Alta: One of the last speak­ers of a dying lan­guage. A res­o­nant voice. 60+. Actor will play mul­ti­ple characters. 
  • Resten: One of the last speak­ers of a dying lan­guage, and Alta’s hus­band. A res­o­nant voice. 60+. Actor will play mul­ti­ple characters. 

Audi­tion Dates:

Video Sub­mis­sions: Due by Oct 1, 11:59pm. 

In-Per­son Call­backs: Sun Oct 8, 6:00–10:00pm 

Call­back Location: 

The Crane Theater

2303 Kennedy St NE UNIT 120, Min­neapo­lis, MN 55413

Audi­tion Details:

Fill out this form. Note that you will be asked to upload a head­shot, resume, and one short (under 3 min­utes) con­tem­po­rary monologue.

You will receive a copy of the form with your respons­es as con­fir­ma­tion of your sub­mit­tance. Our audi­tion coor­di­na­tor will be in touch only if we are miss­ing any­thing or a file will not open. Called back actors will be con­tact­ed by the morn­ing of Wed, Oct 4, 2024.

We do not pro­vide hous­ing for actors; all per­form­ers must be locat­ed near the Twin Cities metro and able to arrange trans­porta­tion to and from rehearsals and performances. 

Addi­tion­al­ly, here are our Covid-19 Action Plan for Rehearsals and Per­for­mances, TPR Diver­si­ty, Equi­ty and Inclu­sion State­ment, TPR Harass­ment Pol­i­cy and TPR Fight & Inti­ma­cy Pro­ce­dure.

Please note: We wel­come and encour­age artists to take these doc­u­ments and share them with oth­er orga­ni­za­tions who may be look­ing to adopt sim­i­lar poli­cies and pro­ce­dures, we’re hap­py to share with our community!

If you have any ques­tions, please con­tact Nis­sa, our Audi­tion Coor­di­na­tor, at