Theatre Pro Rata’s 2021–22 Season

The­atre Pro Rata’s 2021–22 sea­son will include three pro­duc­tions, writ­ten by women, direct­ed by women, and fea­tur­ing a pre­dom­i­nant­ly female cast and crew, as part of The Jubilee, a nation­al the­ater fes­ti­val to pro­duce plays writ­ten by tra­di­tion­al­ly exclud­ed voic­es. More infor­ma­tion about the ini­tia­tive can be found at

Convent of Pleasure

adapt­ed by Heather Mey­er.
August, 2021. A post­pone­ment of the June 2020 world pre­miere pro­duc­tion.
Direct­ed by Nicole Marie Wilder.

Unholy mat­ri­mo­ny.

A wealthy heiress rejects society’s pres­sure to take a hus­band by build­ing a clois­tered utopia for unmar­ried women. She and the women vow to live new lives accord­ing to the heiress’s own “prin­ci­ples of plea­sure.” Who­ev­er said mon­ey can’t buy hap­pi­ness, didn’t have enough mon­ey to try. Fea­tur­ing Boo Segersin as Lady Hap­py and Leslie Vin­cent as Princess Prin­ci­ple, this is a new adap­ta­tion of the 1668 play writ­ten by “Mad Madge” aka Mar­garet Cavendish, the Duchess of New­cas­tle.

Per­form­ing OUTDOORS At:
Wood Lake Nature Cen­ter Amphithe­ater
6710 Lake Shore Dri­ve, Rich­field, MN 55423

This activ­i­ty is made pos­si­ble by the vot­ers of Min­neso­ta through grants from the Min­neso­ta State Arts Board thanks to a leg­isla­tive appro­pri­a­tion from the arts and cul­tur­al her­itage fund.

Top Girls

by Caryl Churchill.
Novem­ber, 2021.
Direct­ed by Carin Bratlie Weth­ern.

They’ve got what it takes.

If you could invite any­one from his­to­ry to a din­ner par­ty, who would you invite? It’s the 80s, Mar­lene has just tak­en over the Top Girls Employ­ment Agency, and she is cel­e­brat­ing. Set against Mar­garet Thatcher’s Britain in the ear­ly 1980s and the evolv­ing com­plex­i­ties of mod­ern fem­i­nism, this all-female cast tack­les the ques­tion of what it takes to suc­ceed. Times change, or do they?

Per­form­ing At:
The Crane The­atre
2303 Kennedy St NE, Minneapolis


by Sarah Ruhl.
March, 2022.
Direct­ed by Carin Bratlie Weth­ern.

The self, com­plete­ly altered.

In a mag­i­cal dream of his­to­ry, Orlan­do lives through time from Renais­sance Eng­land to the twen­ti­eth cen­tu­ry. First he is a beau­ti­ful and charis­mat­ic noble­man liv­ing a full life in Eliz­a­bethan Lon­don and falling in love with a Russ­ian princess. Time is kind to Orlan­do and dur­ing a vis­it to Con­stan­tino­ple many years lat­er an encounter leads to a trans­for­ma­tion: Orlan­do becomes a woman and con­tin­ues her adven­tures through sev­er­al more cen­turies of chal­lenges and pas­sions. Sarah Ruhl’s sexy and sur­pris­ing play is based on the nov­el by Vir­ginia Woolf, writ­ten as a cel­e­bra­tion of her friend Vita Sackville-West.

Per­form­ing At:
The Crane The­atre
2303 Kennedy St NE, Minneapolis

This activ­i­ty is made pos­si­ble by the vot­ers of Min­neso­ta through a grant from the Met­ro­pol­i­tan Region­al Arts Coun­cil, thanks to a leg­isla­tive appro­pri­a­tion from the arts and cul­tur­al her­itage fund.

The­atre Pro Rata will also con­tin­ue its on-going play read­ing series with two read­ings dur­ing the run of each show. The read­ings are free and open to the
pub­lic. Almost all TPR pro­duc­tions since 2008 were ini­tial­ly read dur­ing the
play read­ing series.


The­atre Pro Rata fol­lows all CDC guide­lines for audi­ence and artist safe­ty, as
well as all MN State require­ments for pub­lic gath­er­ings. Vis­it our web­site for details. We are excit­ed to con­tin­ue, but pre­pared to postpone.