The­atre Pro Rata sea­son announce­ment 2022–2023

The­atre Pro Rata’s 2022/23 sea­son will include two pro­duc­tions: 46 Plays for America’s First Ladies, by Genevra Gal­lo-Bayi­ates, Sharon Greene, Chloe John­ston, Bilal Dar­d­ai, and Andy Bayi­ates; and By the Bog of Cats, by Mari­na Carr.

46 Plays for America’s First Ladies

by Genevra Gal­lo-Bayi­ates, Sharon Greene, Chloe John­ston, Bilal Dar­d­ai, and Andy Bayi­ates.
Fall, 2022. 

Fol­low­ing our pro­duc­tions of 44 Plays for 44 Pres­i­dents, (2012) and the remount­ed and updat­ed 45 Plays for 45 Pres­i­dents (2016), Pro Rata of course said yes when the play­wrights asked TPR direct­ly to be a part of a rolling pre­miere of their new play: a ‘hot off the press’ and unpub­lished 46 Plays for America’s First Ladies. The show is 46 short plays (dra­mas, come­dies, even mini-musi­cals) about each of the First Ladies, from Martha Wash­ing­ton to Jill Biden. It’s simul­ta­ne­ous­ly his­tor­i­cal, poignant, edu­ca­tion­al, sil­ly, and inspiring.

44 Plays is a win­ning pro­duc­tion of a play that real­izes its lofty aspi­ra­tions while refus­ing to take itself too seri­ous­ly.” -Pio­neer Press “The­atre Pro Rata’s lat­est pro­duc­tion is more than just a civics les­son dis­guised as a the­atri­cal event… the over­all piece works because it has strong dra­mat­ic bones.” -City Pages “ener­getic and well-craft­ed” -City Pages

Direct­ed by Shanan Custer.

This activ­i­ty is made pos­si­ble by the vot­ers of Min­neso­ta through grants from the Min­neso­ta State Arts Board thanks to a leg­isla­tive appro­pri­a­tion from the arts and cul­tur­al her­itage fund.

By the Bog of Cats

by Mari­na Carr.
Spring, 2023

Loose­ly based on Euripi­des’ tragedy Medea, this is the prophet­ic tale of Hes­ter Swane, an Irish Trav­el­er, who attempts to come to terms with a life­time of aban­don­ment in a world where all whom she has loved have dis­card­ed her. Set on the bleak, ghost­ly land­scape of the Bog of Cats, this provoca­tive dra­ma dis­clos­es one woman’s coura­geous attempts to lay claim to that which is hers, as her world is torn in two. By the Bog of Cats is a furi­ous, uncom­pro­mis­ing tale of greed and betray­al, of mur­der and pro­found self-sacrifice.

Direct­ed by Amber Bjork.


The­atre Pro Rata will also con­tin­ue its on-going play read­ing series with two read­ings dur­ing the run of each show. The read­ings are free and open to the pub­lic. Almost all TPR pro­duc­tions since 2008 were ini­tial­ly read and dis­cussed dur­ing the play read­ing series.


All shows take place at:

The Crane The­atre, 2303 Kennedy St NE, Minneapolis


The­atre Pro Rata will con­tin­ue to fol­low all CDC guide­lines for audi­ence and artist safe­ty, as well as all MN State require­ments for pub­lic gath­er­ings. Cur­rent­ly, TPR requires masks and Proof of Vac­ci­na­tion or a Neg­a­tive Covid Test with­in 72 hours. 


Since 2001 Pro Rata, Latin for “in pro­por­tion,” has pro­duced smart, vivid, var­ied, and gut­sy the­ater in the Twin Cities. Focus­ing on the text of the play, the com­pa­ny offers per­form­ers and audi­ences the chance to engage the char­ac­ters, themes, and lan­guage more com­plete­ly. Rang­ing from clas­sic dra­mas to mod­ern black come­dies, The­atre Pro Rata pro­duces scripts that bring vis­cer­al the­atri­cal expe­ri­ences to the stage. 

The­atre Pro Rata uti­lizes a unique slid­ing scale for tick­et­ing, allow­ing patrons to name their own price from $16 to $61.