Ear­ly Giv­ing has begun!

Pro Rata has used this past 20 months to reflect on what we bring to our com­mu­ni­ty and how to best move for­ward in the future. Our focus as we return to live the­ater this sea­son is valu­ing lived expe­ri­ence. We want to lift up and cen­ter mar­gin­al­ized voic­es, and sup­port our artists as best we can. Our fundrais­ing this sea­son is focused entire­ly on that goal, and you can help us meet our $3,000 match today.

We cre­at­ed an Equi­ty, Inclu­sion, & Diver­si­ty State­ment to part­ner with our Harass­ment Pol­i­cy and its sup­ple­ment: our Fight Chore­og­ra­phy & Inti­ma­cy Pro­ce­dure. We con­tin­ue to refine our COVID Action Plan as the pan­dem­ic con­tin­ues. These doc­u­ments are pub­lic fac­ing and now includ­ed with audi­tion notices, design­er post­ings, and board mem­ber asks. We will only con­sid­er plays writ­ten by women, LGBTQIA+, and/or BIPOC for the fore­see­able future. We will increase the rep­re­sen­ta­tion of BIPOC indi­vid­u­als in The­atre Pro Rata casts to reflect the diver­si­ty of our Twin Cities Metro area. We will raise our stipends to the high­est our bud­get will allow. We will add sup­port posi­tions (such as Trans Con­sul­tant for our upcom­ing pro­duc­tion of Orlan­do) as nec­es­sary so that our artists feel uplift­ed and valued.

Give to the Max Day is com­ing, and Ear­ly Giv­ing has already start­ed. With dai­ly Gold­en Tick­ets between now and Nov 18, and hourly Gold­en Tick­ets on Give to the Max Day itself, PLUS our $3,000 Match­ing Goal there are so many ways to make your dona­tion go far­ther! All dona­tions between now and Give to the Max day will be dou­bled, thanks to our gen­er­ous match­ing donors. Help us meet our goals of sup­port­ing artists today.

Thank you,

Carin Bratlie Wethern