The­atre Pro Rata sea­son announce­ment 2023–2024

The­atre Pro Rata’s 2023/24 sea­son will include two pro­duc­tions: Bernhardt/Hamlet by There­sa Rebeck; and The Lan­guage Archive by Julia Cho.


by There­sa Rebeck
Per­for­mances: Sep­tem­ber 29 — Octo­ber 14, 2023

Mark Twain wrote: “There are five kinds of actress­es: bad actress­es, fair actress­es, good actress­es, great actress­es – and then there is Sarah Bern­hardt.” In 1899, the inter­na­tion­al stage celebri­ty set out to tack­le her most ambi­tious role yet: Ham­let. There­sa Rebeck’s play rol­licks with high com­e­dy and human dra­ma, set against the lav­ish Shake­speare­an pro­duc­tion that could make or break Bernhardt’s career.

Direct­ed by Carin Bratlie Wethern

The Language Archive

by Julia Cho
Per­for­mances: April 19 — May 4, 2024

George is a man con­sumed with pre­serv­ing and doc­u­ment­ing the dying lan­guages of far-flung cul­tures. Clos­er to home, though, lan­guage is fail­ing him. He doesn’t know what to say to his wife, Mary, to keep her from leav­ing him, and he doesn’t rec­og­nize the deep feel­ings that his lab assis­tant, Emma, has for him.

Direct­ed by Nicole Marie Wilder


The­atre Pro Rata will also con­tin­ue its on-going play read­ing series with two read­ings dur­ing the run of each show. The read­ings are free and open to the pub­lic. Almost all TPR pro­duc­tions since 2008 were ini­tial­ly read and dis­cussed dur­ing the play read­ing series.


All shows take place at:

The Crane The­atre, 2303 Kennedy St NE, Minneapolis


Since 2001 Pro Rata, Latin for “in pro­por­tion,” has pro­duced smart, vivid, var­ied, and gut­sy the­ater in the Twin Cities. Focus­ing on the text of the play, the com­pa­ny offers per­form­ers and audi­ences the chance to engage the char­ac­ters, themes, and lan­guage more com­plete­ly. Rang­ing from clas­sic dra­mas to mod­ern black come­dies, The­atre Pro Rata pro­duces scripts that bring vis­cer­al the­atri­cal expe­ri­ences to the stage. 

The­atre Pro Rata uti­lizes a unique slid­ing scale for tick­et­ing, allow­ing patrons to name their own price from $16 to $61.